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Plants and Pottery

Self-Expression leads to Universal Connection

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My name is Jen and I've spent the last few years seeking 'more'; motivated to elevate my life, the lives of others, and in turn, advance the human collective consciousness. This blog is a product of my own curiosities toward expanding my mind while doing more for my community.

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The feeling of disappointment

Disappointment: displeasure when your hopes or expectations aren't met. What's worse is when this disappointment comes from someone...

Dreaming is Believing.... or is it?

Last night I decided I'd do a sleep meditation. I've been having a rough couple nights overcoming a cold, and instead of taking a few...

New year, "better" me.

It's 2023.... and what does that actually mean? I know for one thing, I'm going to stop attempting to fit myself in anyone's mold of what...

Evaluating Preconceived Notions

Preconceived notions: we all make them. In a sense, it’s a human tendency of placing judgement based on prior details or knowledge we...

Q&A a Day

This article may contain affiliate / compensated links. For full information, please see the disclaimer here. Years ago my sister...

Fulfill You!

Good day to all my beautiful, unique JEMs!! It’s the first day of the year and what an amazing time to begin this next chapter of our...


It's all about communication. This whole time I've been thinking that many people don't want to listen. Granted, along the way I've...

Silva Ultramind System (Pt. 1)

Recently I learned about the Silva Ultramind System, a way of mastering altered states of mind and being able to more fully solve your...

False Hope

Have you ever gotten really excited about something, spoken it into the universe, only to have that same moment be instantly taken from...


It's the end of 2020; well, pretty close to it. And now is a better time than ever to reflect on all that's happened in the last 356 days...


Every time you think you know the direction your life will go in, it somehow seems that the universe plows right on in and puts that path...

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

I sit this morning in solitude and think about my actions this week. I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about how my words and...

We are the Universe

Have you ever wondered about the universe? I recently read a quote that said, "You are not an individual experiencing the universe, you...


It's been a few hours since I felt paralyzed by thought. It's interesting how your perception can change in mere hours simply by opening...

Change my Mind

I've spent the last couple days chatting with new people. It's interesting the kinds of individuals you can meet virtually. What's even...

Analysis Paralysis

Sometimes there are just so many moving parts that I become paralyzed. Without having someone to guide me one way or another, I find that...


It's the first storm of the season and I'm feeling quite blessed in this moment. I sit on a plush, comfortable couch with a soft yet...

Morning Thoughts

My mornings I wake up and think of you. I could move on but I’m not sure whether or not I want to. I’m frozen. Stuck between looking at...

Recipe for Success

It’s so easy to overthink everything. A quote I just read this morning was from Jim Carrey that said, ‘As far as I can tell, it’s just...

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